[Grant] Midcareer research grant
Prof. Sangwoo Kim's new project "Bulk-cell based identification of somatic mosaicism" was granted $200,000/yr for 4 years from Korea...
[Research grant] Post-genome projects involved multiple ministries
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Post-genome projects involved multiple ministries ...
[Research grant] Young researcher program
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Reseach Driven Hospital Program. The theme of the...
[Research Grant] Research Driven Hospital Program
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Reseach Driven Hospital Program. The theme of the...
[Research Grant] Bio-Synergy Research Program
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the the Ministry of Scient, ICT and Future Planning, Bio-Synergy Research Program The...