RePlow study selected as top 5 bio research in Korea 2019
Our study of detecting low-level somatic mutation (RePlow) has been selected as one of the top 5 bio-research news in Korea of this year....
[Media cover] Prof. Sangwoo Kim joined the member of Y-KAST (한국차세대과학기술한림원)
On 5th Dec 2019, The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (한국과학기술한림원) has announced the 26 top scholars in science and technology...
[Media cover] Se-Young Jo and Eunyoung Kim appeared in BRIC homepage
Se-Young Jo and Eunyoung Kim were introduced in BRIC HanBitSa (한빛사) homepage. Congratulations!
Sora Kim and Hein Chun won the Academic Award for Excellance
On 3rd Sep. 2019, our alumni Sora Kim, PhD and Hein Chun, MS won the Academic Award for Excellence from the department of Medical...
[Media cover] Dr. Junho Kim appeared in BRIC homepage
Dr. Junho Kim was introduced in BRIC HanBitSa (한빛사) homepage. Congratulations!
[Media cover] Gunho Lee appeared in BRIC page
Gunho Lee was introduced in the BRIC homepage as HanBitSa (한빛사) Congratulations!
[Media cover] Neopepsee in the news
Neopepsee appeared in the news. (~8 different media)
[Media cover] Sora Kim appeared in BRIC page
Sora Kim, the 1st author of the Neopepsee paper, was introduced in HanBitSa (한빛사). Congratulations!
[Media cover] Veccum paper recommended by F1000Prime
Our paper "Vecuum: identification and filtration of false somatic variants caused by recombinant vector contamination" has been...