[Research grant] Post-genome projects involved multiple ministries
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Post-genome projects involved multiple ministries ...
[New paper] The mechanism in which AKT3 pathway causes cortical malformation
A new paper published in Nature Medicine In this study, Sangwoo Kim joined to identify how abnormal AKT3 pathway activation causes...
[Research grant] Young researcher program
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Reseach Driven Hospital Program. The theme of the...
[Award] Best poster award in KOGO
Sora Kim (Ph.D. student) received best poster award in the 24th KOGO Annual Conference 2015 & 10th Asian Epigenomics Meeting. The title...
[New paper] A new method to detect low-frequent somatic deletion in control-free samples
We published a new paper in Bioinformatics. In this study, Junho Kim (1st author) and Sangwoo Kim (corresponding author) developed a new...
[New paper] Semantic conflicts in biological networks
Sangwoo Kim (corresponding author) published a new paper in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. In this paper, he developed a...
[New paper] Sequence feature that discriminate LoF and GoF
A new paper published in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. In this paper, Sangwoo Kim joined in analyzing sequence features...
[New paper] Somatic mutations that cause focal cortical dysplasia
A new paper published in Nature Medicine. Sangwoo Kim joined in a recently published study to discover a novel somatic mutation that...
[New paper] Systems approach that predicts onco-metabolites
A new paper published in PLoS Computational Biology. A systems approach to predict oncometabolites via context-specific genome-scale...
[Research Grant] Research Driven Hospital Program
Sangwoo Kim will be funded a research grant from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Reseach Driven Hospital Program. The theme of the...